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Malcolm Green

For over 35 years, Malcolm Green has written, directed and created award-winning campaigns and content for cars, planes, beers, nations, governments, paint, DIY stores, supermarkets, food, teIecoms companies, banks, charities, cereaIs, hot drinks, cold drinks, burgers, health foods, fashion, teachers, magazines, radio stations, NGO’s and Social Movements. He has made dogs sing, cars fly (and surf), turned bank managers into pop stars and transformed the career of one of the UK’s most famous footballers (that’s Gary Lineker for those who didn’t realise!).

He has helped win eIections, reduce teenage pregnancy, changed attitudes towards the elderly and persuaded the British to give more of their blood to help their fellow countrymen. As a writer, Creative Director and Executive Creative Director at some of the world’s most creative and effective ad agencies, his work has helped move people as well as goods, inspire both external and internal audiences, lift human spirits as well as company share prices and make the world’s news time after time after time.

When the UK’s largest national newspaper asked its readers to name their favourite campaigns, Malcolm had three in the top 20.