There are few subjects more sensitive to handle than that of suicide. Indeed, we must start with a warning for this piece, which is that the films that follow, as you would expect, contain topics related to suicide, and so viewer discretion is advised.
These charities approach this very difficult brief, fascinatingly, in very different ways.
CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably)
This film, and the one from Movember that follows, are each astonishing in their power, but we’re pairing them because they approach the subject from opposite directions. You’ll see what we mean.
Movember: Suicide Notes Talk Too Late
Samaritans: Small Talk Saves Lives
This Samaritans campaign, in partnership with the rail industry, empowers passers-by with the knowledge they can make a difference. Very effective and affecting.
You wouldn’t think humour could possibly work in this context. Think again, as you watch the story of this highly effective, and hugely creative, campaign.
The Ideas Lab examines what makes effective (or ineffective) communications in the fields of causes, charities and socially-oriented businesses.
Don’t mention the V-word
“It’s made of f…ing beef right here, you see that?” The flabbergasted man from... Read more
Cause & Effect: Shami Chakrabarti
Baroness Shami Chakrabarti is a Labour peer and Shadow Attorney General. After studying at... Read more
Hiding in Plain Sight
It is the autumn of 1860, and Englebert Kaempfer is sitting in a... Read more