Art for ART

Art for ART
One to One Children’s Fund is a catalyst for a sea-change in how HIV treatment is approached in southern Africa, finding ingenious ways to work with local communities so that anti-retroviral therapy (ART) treatment programmes are successful. Our task, as marketing agency for the charity, was to create a suitably enticing brochure for a special trip to South Africa – Art for ART – which combines an exclusive art tour with the opportunity to see and contribute to the charity’s life-saving ART projects.
This is a trip that costs quite a few thousand pounds (including a donation), so the quality and exclusivity of the experience had to be reflected by the brochure. Taking our lead from beautiful art catalogues, we designed a two-section publication, with an inner section celebrating the art and the artists, as well as the luxury experience, and an outer section that dramatised the importance of the cause.