A new postcode for cultural and communal life
JW3 is London’s Jewish community centre, the community’s biggest capital project in a generation. We are proud of our strategic and creative contribution, as marketing agency for the charity, to helping it raise more than £50m.
We also created JW3’s distinctive marketing style, helping establish the brand platform and achieve a launch which saw it exceed its footfall expectations by a factor of three.
They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.
ZEST is the restaurant, café and bar at JW3. Its ambition is to be the home of modern, kosher Jewish cooking, its food a reflection not just of the vibrancy of the cafes and restaurants of Israel today but also of their warmth and sense of hospitality.
The challenge was to create an identity that reflected a strong Tel Aviv culinary tradition, full of sunlight, warmth, life and zest.
The highly colourful plates, cups, saucers, bowls and mugs specifically produced for Zest by Adama Pottery in Israel, were the starting point for the colours and tones. From there we developed a logotype that reflected the Hebrew vowels.
We wanted the menu design to stand out and intrigue the dinner, so we printed the menu on old Israeli newspapers, we also added some pearls of wisdom hidden in the text!
Photos: Blake Ezra Photography